
The Ultimate Guide to Small Business Advertising Strategies

August 29, 202431 min read

Understanding Small Business Advertising

Most people miss all the advertising channels available. You might believe advertising is expensive. Truthfully, you are not tapping your businesses’ full potential. So, let’s take a deep dive, and learn all about small business advertising.

What is Small Business Advertising?

Small business advertising is the strategic promotion of products and services. This includes marketing activities for increasing brand visibility, attracting customers, and generating sales.

The Importance of Advertising for Small Businesses

Advertising your business is crucial! A big shock right? Success requires building familiarity with your target audience. Most businesses fail to penetrate their market because they are not seen enough. Most people are unaware you exist! To solve this, we use effective frequency.

We all would like to think we are rational decision-makers. However, most people’s emotions guide their decisions, and familiarity is one of the most powerful emotions. Honestly, some businesses are not very impressive, but they are so visible they get customers.

A man named Thomas Smith wrote a guide called Successful Advertising in 1885. What follows is probably one of the most crucial things you could learn about advertising.

The Power of Effective Frequency

  • The first time people look at any given ad, they don’t even see it.

  • The second time, they don’t notice it.

  • The third time, they are aware that it is there.

  • The fourth time, they have a fleeting sense that they’ve seen it somewhere before.

  • The fifth time, they read the ad.

  • The sixth time they thumb their nose at it.

  • The seventh time, they start to get a little irritated with it.

  • The eighth time, they start to think, “Here’s that confounded ad again.”

  • The ninth time, they start to wonder if they’re missing out on something.

  • The tenth time, they ask their friends and neighbors if they’ve tried it.

  • The eleventh time, they wonder how the company is paying for all these ads.

  • The twelfth time, they start to think that it must be a good product.

  • The thirteenth time, they start to feel the product has value.

  • The fourteenth time, they start to remember wanting a product exactly like this for a long time.

  • The fifteenth time, they start to yearn for it because they can’t afford to buy it.

  • The sixteenth time, they accept the fact that they will buy it sometime in the future.

  • The seventeenth time, they make a note to buy the product.

  • The eighteenth time, they curse their poverty for not allowing them to buy this terrific product.

  • The nineteenth time, they count their money very carefully.

  • The twentieth time prospects see the ad, they buy what is offered.

The moral of the story, advertise so you stay visible! If you are visible when the client is ready to buy you will likely get the sale. In small business advertising, this is especially true. Advertise until you become a local celebrity.

Setting Clear Advertising Goals

Before you run off and start advertising, it’s important to set clear goals for your marketing campaigns. Most people are sloppy! Now, STOP! If you skip this step, you’re asking to fail. You need a destination to get anywhere. Here are examples of marketing objectives you might set for your campaigns.

  • Brand Awareness – The goal of this objective is for as many people as possible to become aware of your brand. One key difference with this campaign is its focus on brand recall.

  • Traffic – This type of campaign aims to drive as much traffic as possible to a particular place. You are still not so concerned about sales or leads at this point. You might be opening a store or launching a website and want people to know what’s available to them.

  • App Installs – This objective is to get as many app installs as possible.

  • Leads – The goal of this objective is to generate more leads or appointments for your business.

  • Sales – The goal of this objective is to generate more sales for your business.

  • Reach – The goal of this campaign is to reach as many people as possible.

  • Engagement – The goal of this is to get as many people as possible to interact with your business. This could be likes, comments, and shares on posts or engaging with in-person activities and events

  • Downloads – The goal of this objective is to get a significant amount of downloads for a particular software, product, or lead magnet.

  • Views – The goal of this objective is to generate as many views as possible on a video, webinar, advertisement, or video presentation.

  • Contact/Correspondence – The goal of this objective is to get as many people to reach out or contact your business as possible.

  • In-Store Traffic – The goal of this objective is to get customers to visit a brick-and-mortar location or event.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Who is your customer? A simple question, but you’ll be surprised how many people think everyone wants to buy their product or service. Listen, I know you love your business, but everybody doesn’t want to buy your product. If you can accept this, you will be more successful.

Whether advertising a small business or a large corporation you need to identify your customer. The best way is to create a customer persona. Customer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers based on data and research.

Personas usually take the form of names with alliteration that represent your customers. For example, if you are an electronics company that sells computers, one of your customers might be a Laptop Larry. Hubspot has a free persona-making tool that can help you craft the perfect customer personas.

Online Advertising Strategies

Online advertising is essential in the modern world. Businesses are failing because they refuse to advertise online. They think is useless. However, there are powerful techniques that you can leverage to give you massive visibility. Best of all, some of these online strategies are free.

Building a User-Friendly Website

Your website is the first point of contact with customers. The site should be user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and provide essential information about your products or services. Users should easily find pages related to the topics they are seeking. Websites should look good but also answer questions quickly. Implementing these strategies ensures potential customers visit your website and make purchases.

Landing Pages

Avoid choice overload and convert more customers by building specific landing pages. Choice overload or overchoice is when the brain shuts down because it has too many options. Have you ever had difficulty picking a meal at a new restaurant because it had too many options? The same happens with a website.

Picture this, you are searching for dog walking services and land on a website about dogs. There are thousands of pages about dog grooming, dog healthcare, dog emergency services, dog self-care kits, and everything you can imagine. Now, dog walking services are on this site, but finding them is difficult. What do you do?

The average user tunes out the website and leaves because they can not find what they need. With landing pages for specific services, you can focus on one product or service at a time, and customers find solutions easier.

Leveraging Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimizing your website for search engines is critical for visibility. Research keywords relevant to your business and incorporate them into your website’s content. Most websites make the mistake of creating content they think their target audience wants to see. However, you can leverage tools like Google Ads, Google Trends, Keyword Surfer, and Keywords Everywhere to find the keywords people are searching for.

Create content, and videos around those keywords to drive traffic to your websites and videos. This approach is powerful because it takes the guesswork out of growth. In small business advertising, find every way you can to generate traffic that leads to new customers.

Another powerful tool is using websites like People often search for long-tail keywords like “What should I expect from working with a [insert industry]” or “How much does working with a [insert industry] cost. There are thousands of questions like this and, you can create articles and videos answering them to drive more traffic to your website. When you optimize SEO the effects are not immediate but the long-term benefits will yield a huge ROI.

Harnessing the Power of Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms offer a vast audience for your business. Create engaging content, run targeted ads, and interact with your followers to build a loyal community. If your business isn’t on social media, then go get on social media. Reaching new customers is the easiest it’s ever been in history.

Social media is a game changer for small business advertising because you can go directly to your customers. Similar to leveraging SEO, you can find topics that are trending and then create content that answers those questions on social media. This positions you as an authority and when it comes time for people to pull out their wallets people will be thinking of you.

Think about it, if I’m given the choice between a business I only heard about through one ad versus the one that has been answering my questions for the past few weeks, I’m choosing the one I know. You can blanket your customers and make them feel like you’re the only logical choice for their needs.

Email Marketing for Small Businesses

Email marketing remains a cost-effective way to nurture leads and engage with existing customers. Send personalized, valuable content to your email list. One of my clients had over 10,000 people on their email list and never contacted them. if you want a cost-effective way to generate sales use your email list.

Think about it, she has 10,000 people who already purchased from her just waiting to be re-engaged. I constantly talk about the 3 types of media with my clients:

  • Owned Media: Media owned by your company (Email list, text message list, customer list, etc.)

  • Earned Media: Publications or mentions about you and your company (Media write-ups, awards, certifications, etc.)

  • Paid Media: Media or endorsements you paid to have distributed (Commercials, Billboards, Pay-per-click, Influencer Shoutouts, etc.)

Here’s the best part, once you create these lists (Owned media) you don’t have to pay to access them. Even if you change providers you can upload your list to the new provider. Not to mention, you can contact them without having to pay like other marketing channels. Even if you have a product that doesn’t require recurring purchases this can work for you.

Imagine sending an email to previous customers offering them a referral fee for sending new customers. When you have a large project like roofing this could be as simple as a couple hundred dollars but is peanuts compared to the total order value.

Content Marketing for Small Businesses

Content is king! It is cliché now, but it is not any less true. Content has a huge ROI but most businesses believe that it’s not worth the time. Let me ask you a question. Are you more likely to purchase from someone you know or don’t know? It’s not a trick question, but the more familiar you are with someone the more likely you are to purchase from them.

Think about it like this, you start asking questions about roofing. For example, how much does a roof usually cost? Then a video pops up and explains typical roofing costs and common pitfalls. Well, when it comes time to purchase a roof you’ve built more trust than everyone else so you’ll most likely get the contract.

Companies spend millions of dollars on content teams for a reason. You might think it is too expensive, but with websites like Fiver, and Upwork you can start building a cost-effective content team. Trust me it’s worth it in the long run and will give you the largest ROI. Here’s a couple of things to consider when making content:

Creating Valuable Content

Produce content that educates, entertains, or solves problems for your audience. This can include blog posts, ebooks, and how-to guides. I’m going to give you a cheat code here. You can use Ai-like chat GPT to help you. I wouldn’t recommend you let it do all the writing for you, however, it can help you come up with ideas and give you outlines to get you started. The more valuable you are to the industry the more the money will flow to you.

Blogging and Guest Posting

Maintaining a blog on your website and guest posting on relevant platforms can expand your reach and build backlinks to your site. Many websites offer guest blogging opportunities where you can share your expertise on their website. these are vital opportunities for you to position yourself as an authority in your industry.

Video Marketing

Video content is highly engaging. Consider creating product demos, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes videos to connect with your audience. According to Business Insider In 2020, the number of people watching digital videos in the US reached 244.4 million. This means that if you are not investing in video marketing you’re going to be left behind.

86% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool. 66% of consumers find short-form videos to be the most engaging type of content on social media. 92% of video marketers say they’ve gotten a good ROI from video marketing. Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year. – Linkedin

Paid Advertising

According to Wordstream giant retailers can spend up to 50 million dollars a year on Google Ads. There’s no secret, the reason they do this is because it works. Most people don’t want to use online advertising because they don’t think it works. Here’s the harsh truth, they work! You just need to figure out how to make them work for you. Here are some of the popular paid advertising networks.

Google Ads and Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Google Ads is the biggest advertising platform on earth. More importantly, it’s probably the fastest way to acquire new customers. While Google has multiple ways to advertise (YouTube, Display, Performance Max, etc.) its search ads are powerful because you can capture search intent. Search intent is the user’s intention behind their search.

Think about it like this, if I search How to fix my computer, then I’m probably looking for information. However, if I search for computer repair near me, then I’m most likely looking for someone to repair my computer. The first is great for writing articles, the second has commercial intent which is a keyword that usually leads to purchases. By understanding this you can create a powerful marketing strategy.

Here’s a couple of ways to think about search intent in small business advertising

Explicit Keywords:

These keywords are the easiest to find. Explicit keywords directly describe the product or service. You don’t need much creativity for these keywords. (I.e Chiropractor, 4k Television, Lebron Basketball Shoes)

Problem-Based Keywords:

Keywords of this type describe the conditions or problems that your product solves. These can also be called curing searches. (I.e. How to get rid of a toothache, how to get rid of acne, can’t run Excel)

Symptoms Keywords:

These keywords describe the symptoms of the actual. (Slow computer, burst pipes, flooded basement, leaking roof)

Product Names and Part Numbers:

These are common keywords or direct product names. (I.e C-111024, 1024 MD DDR4-533 SODIMM, LeBron NXXT Gen)

Informational Queries:

These are good for your industry and usually involve people looking for more information. As I stated above these keywords are good for blog articles and videos to build authority in your industry. (How to install computer memory, How to reset my iPhone, How to file for a divorce)

Meta (Facebook) and Instagram Ads

Following closely behind Google are Meta (Facebook) and Instagram Ads. A lot of people still don’t know this but Facebook and Instagram ads can be run from the same platform in the Facebook Business Manager. Facebook ads are powerful because they allow you to market to your customers visually. Facebook has 2.93 billion monthly active users which means you are missing countless opportunities to reach your market.

Facebook also has a lot of built-in tools to help you see what your competitors are doing like the Facebook Ads Library. Because (Meta) Facebook has over 90 data points on each of its users it’s able to predict interest with a high level of accuracy. Not to mention, their targeting has become easier due to their Performance 5 methodology. Here’s an overview of the different parts:

Conversion API:

Facebook’s conversion AI is a suite of machine learning tools that help businesses identify and reach their target audiences, create personalized ads, and measure the results of their campaigns. The Conversion API tracks conversions with higher accuracy.

Simplified ad sets:

Facebook (Meta) is smart, and in the past people wasted money running ad sets that were too similar. By simplifying ad sets and leveraging AI you can drastically decrease ad cost.

Broad targeting:

I remember researching and testing for weeks to find audiences that produced results. Now that Facebook (Meta) has become smart enough to understand the people on their platform more they are better at finding your ideal customer. You now target an interest group like shoes, and Facebook (Meta) will do the heavy lifting and find your customers. Sometimes you can even just target everyone (Open Targeting) and Facebook (Meta) will still find your ideal customer.

Mobile-Friendly Video:

With the introduction of Reels and short-form content on other platforms mobile-friendly videos are dominating the internet. By using mobile-friendly videos across Facebook and Instagram you can reduce your advertising cost.

Ad Testing

I’ll say again and again, that a big part of succeeding with ads is testing. Facebook’s (Meta) platform allows you to run A\B tests directly on your ads and see which ad performs better. By testing you learn what works best.

TikTok Ads

TikTok emerged relatively recently but it is a powerhouse in capturing attention. According to Demand Sage, there are 1 Billion videos viewed every day on TikTok. This means your video needs to be one of them. Now you might say TikTok is for kids, but remember two things. One, kids grow up to become adults, and depending on your product you need to capture their attention. Two, the more places people can find you the more likely you are to capture new customers. Don’t let excuses like that keep you from adopting new avenues to customers.

Native Advertising

Native advertising is paid media that is designed to match the source. In other words, if you are on a blog site the ad will look as if it’s a blog. This strategy is powerful, and many businesses don’t know it exists. If you look at sites like CNN you will see articles that look just like blog posts, but look closer and you will see it’s a cleverly disguised ad. These ads are less intrusive and usually allow users to start reading your message without even knowing they are being marketed to. The sites tell you you are viewing an ad, but most people are clueless about platforms like Outbrain and RevContent.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is using well-known social media personas to advertise your products and services. If you’ve seen celebrity endorsements for companies before then you know exactly how this works. Influencers are powerful because they are usually perceived as more trustworthy than traditional celebrities. The great thing about influencers is you can usually find one that has an audience that will connect with your customers. Influencers can be a powerful tool to gain rapid visibility, and finding local influencers can be effective for small business advertising.

Measuring Advertising Success

Track key metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI) to measure advertising success. Use this data to make informed decisions and refine your strategies. All the major platforms have pixels. Pixels are code installed on your website that can track users. This allows you to track your advertising efforts and get the most out of your campaigns.

Traditional Advertising Methods

Don’t underestimate the power of traditional advertising. The reason these have been around for years is because they work. In small business advertising traditional advertising methods are still alive and well. Even if you are using digital marketing strategies I encourage you to add some traditional advertising methods. Here is a list of some traditional advertising strategies.

  • Print Advertising: Print media like newspapers and magazines can still reach a local audience effectively.

  • Direct Mail Marketing: Sending physical mail to your target audience can be a personalized way to grab their attention.

  • Radio and TV Advertising: Local radio and TV stations can help you reach a broader audience.

  • Networking Events: Small business events in your community that can help you connect with other businesses. Think about joining the local Chamber of Commerce or a Rotary club.

Local Advertising Strategies

For small businesses, local advertising is paramount. You are likely not capturing half your potential customers. Capitalize on every opportunity using the following strategies.

Google My Business Optimization

Get a Google My Business account. It’s free and most businesses qualify if you provide a physical address. Here’s the thing, you can use your home if you do not have an office and hide the address from the public. This keeps weirdos from pulling up to your home. Google My Business increases the professionalism of your business.

Local SEO

Implement local SEO strategies to rank higher in local searches. There are a lot of websites where you can obtain local listings. These listings help rank you in the search engine. You can use sites like SEM Rush and MOZ to help see what listing opportunities you are missing. We also offer listing services that provide you with 90+ local citations that help you rank 1st on Google.

Partnering with Local Businesses

Collaborate with complementary local businesses for cross-promotion. Working with local businesses will increase credibility and make you more tangible in your community. People need to feel like your business is legit. With the rise of AI, many people may write you off as a bot. Partnering with local businesses helps build trust and visibility.

Budgeting for Small Business Advertising

When budgeting for small business advertising, it’s important to consider many factors. First, consider your business needs. Then allocate your budget across different distribution channels. We talk about some channels above. For example, traditional, paid advertising, influencer marketing, etc. Here’s an example of a budget breakdown.

  • Flyers = $150

  • Radio Ads = $750

  • Google Ads = $1000

  • Facebook Ads = $500

  • TikTok Ads = $500

  • Native Ads = $1000

This budget may be high for your business, however, this is just an example of how you could allocate your budget for small business advertising.  Just remember if you are making a return on your advertising efforts then you won’t mind spending money because of a concept called ROAS.

Next, you need to understand Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). Your return on ad spend depends on your margins. For example, if you spend $100 on ads to generate a sale of $150 you might think you have a profit.

Calculation ROAS

$150/$100 =  1.5 (ROAS)

However, you would be wrong if your product cost $75 to produce. Here’s that calculation again.

$150/$175 =  0.8 (ROAS)

A 1.0 ROAS is breaking even and anything below that is a loss. By understanding your production cost you can calculate your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). Based on the example above your customer acquisition cost of $100 (The amount spent on ads before receiving a new customer) is too high because of the margin on the product. However, you must consider one more factor to calculate the TRUE return on ad spend (ROAS)

Customer Lifetime Value

Most businesses don’t know the lifetime value of their average customer. Customer Lifetime value is important because you may think your customer acquisition cost is high, but when calculated with your lifetime value it makes sense. Here’s an example, you sell a subscription for $50 a month. You also know that people tend to stay on this subscription for an average of 12 months (Churn Rate). This means the (CLV) Customer lifetime value is $600. Why is this important? When calculating customer acquisition cost you may be willing to pay more to acquire a customer upfront. The reason you do this is because you can make the money back over time.

In this scenario, we may be willing to pay $150 to acquire a customer that we know will stay 12 months before they churn (End their subscription).

$600 (CTLV)/ $150(CAC) =  4.0 (ROAS)

Most business owners would turn off this campaign because they think it’s not profitable. However, when you understand the Customer Lifetime value it reveals you are getting a 4 times Return on Ad Spend. Not to mention, if we improve the churn rate we will make even more per customer.

Know your numbers! This is a powerful lesson and could be a key reason why your advertising campaigns fail. If you don’t know (CAC), (CLTV), (ROAS), (Gross Margin), (Net Profit), and countless other numbers related to your business, then you have bigger concerns outside of advertising. Once you understand you’re numbers the budget process is greatly simplified.

Allocating Your Budget Effectively

Determine how much you can afford to spend on advertising. Depending on your business allocate your budget to maximize certain channels. Some businesses may opt to skip certain channels altogether because they don’t get an ROI from those channels.

For example, a roofing company or a plumber might want to focus heavily on search ads because they have high buyer intent. However, they may not want to focus on Facebook because it will be more difficult to find a customer. Small disclaimer, this is not always true. If done effectively, you might run ads on Facebook and find customers just as easily.

The channels you use are going to come down to your ability, what makes sense for your business, and where you see an ROI. Once you get a good return you can pour more money into that channel.

As your business grows, consider increasing your advertising budget to reach a broader audience. Then follow the simple rule, keep the winners and cut the losers.

Creating a Consistent Brand Image

Consistency in branding helps build trust and recognition. A company needs to have brand guidelines. When a company keeps its brand messaging, colors, and brand identity consistent customers will subconsciously know it’s your brand and be more likely to buy.

The Importance of Branding Small Business

Establish a unique brand identity that sets you apart from competitors. Color theory is a powerful tool. Businesses use color theory to evoke certain emotions in customers. For example, black might represent luxury or green might represent health. The colors you use will give people a perception of your brand.

The best brands think about these details. Companies will even select specific colors as call-to-action buttons. This trains the customers that certain buttons mean certain things. For example, you might discount buttons a particular shade of green. When the customer sees the button they are trained to click because they are used to getting a discount.

Branding Strategies for Small Businesses

Branding consists of 3 basic areas identity, perception, and association. 

Brand Identity for Small Businesses:

Brand identity is what most people think about when they think about branding. Brand identity is your logos, colors, posters, flyers, business cards, etc. Put together a consistent brand identity so that whenever someone sees your company they immediately recognize you.

Perception Identity for Small Businesses:

In the book The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, the author says that marketing is not a battle of products but a battle of ideas. When you think of a company you have a certain idea of what that company represents. For example, if I say luxury what brand comes to mind? What about if I said reliable?

Our answer may be different. However, whatever brand you thought about owns that word in your mind. We can think of our brand identity and choose words, images, and colors that evoke the emotions that we want the customers to feel and create a specific perception.

Association Identity for Small Businesses:

Every year after the Superbowl the winning quarterback looks at the camera and says, “I’m going to Disney World”. You probably never thought about why they do this. Disney wanted people to associate their brand with a huge achievement. Winning the Super Bowl is one of the greatest achievements in sports. Disney strategically associates its brand with this moment and gives the perception going there is a huge accomplishment.

Companies stop working with people to protect their brand association. However, the same person who is bad for one brand may help another brand sell millions. Who your brand associates with will matter in the eyes of your customers. Pick your associations wisely.

Customer Engagement and Feedback

Bar Rescue was one of my favorite shows on Spike TV. John Taffer would walk in totally transformed bars. However, there was one specific podcast where he talked about a strategy for building regulars and it will change the way you think about engaging customers. You see, regulars are the backbone of businesses. The strategy was as follows:

You might not run a restaurant but you can still engage your previous customers. For example, a roofing company doesn’t have frequent repeat customers. However, I have seen roofing companies run seasonal promotions offering referral commissions to previous customers for bringing in new business.

Sure,  they might pay a small commission but the power of cultivating new leads is priceless. Not to mention, you have generated new businesses for pennies by re-engaging an old list. With a little creativity, anyone can engage their customers. Earlier, I talked about customer lifetime value (CLTV). In the restaurant example above, because he understood his margins he was able to engage the customer because he understood lifetime value.

The Role of Feedback in Improving Advertising

It’s strange that most people don’t try to figure out what the customers want. Many business owners market services they “think” the customers want. Instead, find out what they want. There are several ways to collect feedback from customers. First, set up surveys, focus groups, or giveaways to incentivize customers to give feedback. Second, use tools like Hotjar to see exactly how customers are interacting with your website and applications. Finally, look at past reviews and make adjustments

Feedback takes you from an ordinary business to creating fanatical customers. Customer feedback will improve your offerings and make customers feel like they are a part of the business. Nothing is more satisfying than making a suggestion and seeing the changes implemented. Of course, you can’t make every adjustment, but you can collect all the feedback and see what the large majority of your customers want. From there, you can make adjustments accordingly.

Adapting to Market Changes

At the the time of writing this Ai is dominating everything from business to fake girlfriends. Even crazier than that, most businesses don’t know there are AI chatbots that can nurture leads and close sales for you. Imagine a completely automated booking procedure for your business that responds like a human, collects payments, and schedules clients. This is not science fiction this is happening right now.

Don’t be like the relic of the past. Blockbuster Video passed up on the idea of using streaming services and ended up a forgotten memory in the history books. There is one truth in this world, you either adapt in business or you die. When advertising your small business stay up to date with emerging trends. Here are a couple of ways to keep ahead of the curve.

  • Testing: Always test new ideas and strategies. You might want to have a calendar set for when you will test new ideas. By testing periodically you will find new strategies that are undiscovered.

  • Monitor Industry Trends: You should subscribe to popular trade journals and industry whitepapers related to your industry and the marketing field. This way you can see what new tools are available to get you the most customers

  • Keyword Research: Use keyword research to see what people are searching for online. There is no better way to see what people are thinking about than what they are searching for. You can also use tools like Google Trends to find trending topics to leverage for your business.

  • Customer Feedback: We mentioned this in an earlier section but it’s worth mentioning again. Your customers are the best source to tell you what features they are expecting from your business. If you fail to give them what they want, they will move on.

  • Tradeshows and events: Good seminars, tradeshows, and summits are usually a goldmine for valuable knowledge. These events can be costly but they are usually worth the price of admission. You could attend one of these conferences and discover strategies that can change your life. The best minds gather together at these events to exchange knowledge and share their secrets.

  • Be Open to Change: If you are willing to change and innovate, then you have a strong chance for success. Be open-minded to trying new tools and platforms to grow your business. 

Legal and Ethical Considerations

 Before we wrap up this guide I think it would be unethical of me if I didn’t talk about some legal issues you should consider when advertising your business. Make sure to consult a legal professional as I am not a lawyer. Here are some pitfalls to avoid:

  • False Advertising: Don’t make claims that are untrue or misleading. This could include making false claims about price, quality, features, benefits, or performance of a product. For example, you can not claim your product is the best on the market if it has not been independently tested and verified.

  • Deceptive advertising: This is when a business uses deception or blatant lies to trick users into buying their products. This includes misleading visuals, fake testimonials, or failing to disclose important information about a product or service. For example, example you cannot pay someone to say your product is good without them using it. Although some businesses use this tactic, it is unethical

  • Unfair advertising: This is when a business uses advertising practices that are unfair to consumers. This can include using high-pressure sales tactics or taking advantage of vulnerable consumers. For example, a business cannot target ads to children that are likely to exploit them.

  • Discriminatory advertising:  This is when a business uses advertising that is discriminatory or offensive. This can include using stereotypes or making discriminatory statements about certain groups of people. For example, a business cannot use an ad that depicts women as being inferior to men.

The best policy is to be honest and transparent in your marketing practices. There’s nothing wrong with creating hype around your product, or creating scarcity if it exists. I’ll be honest, a lot of companies will use these practices, but it always ends up coming back to hurt them in the end.

Competitive Analysis

Sun Tzu, said “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

You should analyze your competitors for multiple reasons. First, you will see what is working in your industry and adapt the strategies to fit your unique style. Two, by studying your competitors it’s possible to find gaps in the market they are not filling. A business will fail because they have no idea what is going on in their industry. Then they end up creating a product no one wants. Find your niche and carve out a space in the market.


In conclusion, small business advertising is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful planning and execution. By setting clear goals, identifying your target audience, and using a combination of online and traditional advertising methods, you can boost your brand’s visibility and drive growth. Remember to measure your success, adapt to market changes, and always prioritize ethical advertising practices.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How much should a small business budget for advertising?

The ideal advertising budget for a small business varies depending on factors like industry, location, and goals. A common rule of thumb is to allocate around 7-8% of your gross revenue to advertising, but this can vary.

2. What is the best social media platform for small business advertising?

The best social media platform for your small business depends on your target audience. Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are popular choices but research your audience’s preferences to make an informed decision.

3. How long does it take to see results from online advertising?

The time it takes to see results from online advertising varies. Some tactics, like pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, can yield quick results, while others, like SEO, may take several months to show significant changes.

4. Is traditional advertising still effective for small businesses?

Yes, traditional advertising can be effective for small businesses, especially when targeting a local audience. Print media, direct mail, and radio/TV advertising can still generate leads and brand awareness.

5. What are the most common mistakes small businesses make in advertising?

Common mistakes include not defining clear goals, neglecting to track metrics, and not understanding their target audience. Additionally, some businesses may overspend or underinvest in advertising, both of which can be detrimental to their success

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